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How to activate current tab in Jquery UI tabs?

I am using ASP.NET MVC 5 , jquery (latest version).
I am building an application where i would be using jquery tabs immensely.

I want to activate the current tab (after Save->Reload ).
I am currently getting the current tab value using a Tempdata .I have no issue in getting value using tempdata . But i have to hard code values.(If submit request comes from User use '1' , If Group use '2' ,If Module use '3' ).

How i can remove this hard coded approach.
I want to know what is the standard way to do this.

My Controller:

 TempData["TabId"] =1


   $(function () {

                active: '@TempData["TabId"]'

  function btn_Save_Module() {
        $(".container").on("click", "#btn-Save-Module", function () {

                               url: '@Url.Action("CreateEditModule")',
                               dataType: 'json',
                               data: $("#Form-Module").serialize(),
                               type: 'POST',
                               success: function (result) {

                                   if (result)
                                       alert("Successfully Saved");
                                       alert("Save Failed");

                                   location.reload();   //*see this line*

                               error: function (xhr) {



OK, if what I am looking at is a non-postback/ajax only save:

//Set active tab your .on("click" before the ajax call 
var active = $( "#tabs" ).tabs( "option", "active" );

/// Then in your ajax success method 
$("#tabs").tabs('select', active);

If there is a postback use a hidden field to store active and re-set upon postback

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