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Multiple row insertion Azure Mobile Services Offline, sync with the backend

Is it possible to modify Table Controllers in Azure Mobile Services .Net backend to handle multi-insertion per http request? After coming back online it takes 2+ minutes for my app to sync its data. over 70% of the 2 minute is wasted over the network handshaking overhead.

I had to do something similar. My app creates around 10,000 new rows every time a user creates a new project so I made a custom controller in my Mobile Service to accept this. After the 10,000 entities are inserted I pull all of them back down to the local sync database.

I first created a custom controller.

public class BatchInsertController : ApiController
    DbContext context;

    protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
        this.context = new DbContext();

    public async Task<bool> BatchInsert(List<Entity> entities)
            await this.context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return true;
        catch (System.Exception ex)
            Trace.WriteLine("Error: " + ex);
            return false;


Then I would call this custom controller method from my client code.

var entities = new List<Entity>();
// Add a bunch of entities to the list...

foreach (List<Entity> chunkedEntities in entities.ChunksOf(1000))
    var response = await _client.InvokeApiAsync<List<Entity>, bool>("batchinsert", chunkedEntities);

I would have over 10,000 records at a time so I created an extension method to chunk the list and send 1,000 records at a time.

public static IEnumerable<IList<T>> ChunksOf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, int size)
    List<T> chunk = new List<T>(size);
    foreach (T element in sequence)
        if (chunk.Count == size)
            yield return chunk;
            chunk = new List<T>(size);
    if (chunk.Any())
        yield return chunk;

After that I just did a PullAsync() on my local db. I came up with this after reading through this article.

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