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Javascript App with OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow?

You can implement the "Authorization Code Flow" in this situation?

A single page app in www.app.com

A REST backend in www.backend.com

Is possible to obtain via javascript an "authorization code" and then pass it to the "backend" for this get the "access token"?

In theory, using the authorization code flow (or the hybrid flow) with a JS/mobile/desktop application is definitely possible, and you don't even need to store client credentials for that (you could, of course, but extracting them is so easy that it would be pointless).

Contrary to popular belief, client authentication is not required for "public" applications (ie apps that cannot safely store their credentials, which includes JS apps) when using the authorization code flow:

If the client type is confidential or the client was issued client credentials (or assigned other authentication requirements), the client MUST authenticate with the authorization server as described in Section 3.2.1.


f the Client is a Confidential Client, then it MUST authenticate to the Token Endpoint using the authentication method registered for its client_id, as described in Section 9.


In practice, I'm pretty sure most authorization/authentication servers will enforce client authentication when using the authorization code flow and will instead recommend using the implicit flow for public apps.

If your authorization server supports this scenario, using the authorization code flow in your JS app should be easy if you use response_mode=query (or better: response_mode=fragment as suggested by @Hans), since you can use your JS main page as the redirect_uri and use some JS to extract the authorization code from the query string or from the fragment.

That is possible by setting the redirect_uri to somewhere in your SPA, pickup the code from the authorization response (using any of the methods described in How to get the value from the GET parameters? ) and pass it on to the backend in an application specific way. When using OpenID Connect there's the option to have the code delivered in the fragment of the redirect_uri which has some security advantages over having it delivered as a query parameter.

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