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How to send push notification to particular group members using parse?

I am developing a social messaging app using parse as a backend. I need to send push notification to the group members when someone texted in the group.

My code is:

PFQuery* getMembers = [PFQuery queryWithClassName:@"Group"];
[getMembers whereKey:@"objectId" equalTo:groupId];
[getMembers includeKey:PF_RECENT_USER];
[getMembers findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray *objects, NSError *error) {
    if (!error) {
        NSArray *ar = [[NSArray alloc]init];
        ar=[[objects objectAtIndex:0]objectForKey:@"members"];
        NSLog(@"members %@",ar);
        PFQuery *queryInstallation = [PFInstallation query];
        [queryInstallation whereKey:PF_INSTALLATION_USER matchesKey:PF_RECENT_USER inQuery:getMembers];

        PFPush *push = [[PFPush alloc] init];
        [push setQuery:queryInstallation];
        //[push setMessage:text];
        NSDictionary *data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                              text, @"alert",
                              @"ursound.caf", @"sound",
                              @"Increment", @"badge",
                              // @"Optionally a type was set", @"type",
        [push setData:data];
        [push sendPushInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error)
             if (error != nil)
                 NSLog(@"SendPushNotification send error.");

Kindly guide me to correct my mistake.

You can send push notification to gruop members by creating channel and then subscribe the user to that channel . Then you can send push notification to particular channel.

Visit https://parse.com/docs/ios/guide#push-notifications for more help for creating channel and send notification using channel.

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