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How to get the service IP in Kubernetes?

I ran a local cluster according to its official doc here . I followed the steps and it worked properly until I set a replica and tried to exposed it. I mean:

./kubectl expose rc nginx --port=80

the output is this:

nginx     run=nginx   run=nginx             80/TCP

When I tried another time it sayed the the same service is running. How can I figure out the IP?

kubectl get service/servicename -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'
kubectl get svc <your-service> -o yaml | grep ip

The IP should be the external IP of your master-node. If you're running locally it should be localhost or your VM.

Of course with the given port added.

for example.

PS: Be sure you have containers/pods running already by running:

kubectl get pods

If this doesn't work, I would suggest proxying it, for test-purposes at least.

Kubectl proxy

There are a couple of ways to do this:

kubectl get svc <service-name> -o yaml | grep clusterIP

or for example:

kubectl describe svc <service-name> | grep IP

For convenient reference:

curl `kc describe svc nginx | grep IP | awk '{print $2}'`

And as a kurl bash function...

## for curling services by name...
kurl() {
  add=`kc describe svc $name | grep IP | awk '{print $2}'`$path
  # echo "hitting $add"
  curl $add
# kurl nginx :8080/some/path/you/want

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