cost 229 ms
tcpdump dhcp ipv6 capture filter

I want capture DHCP IPV6 packet from a specific client I know how to do in IPV4 IPV4 DHCP packets including a specific Client MAC Address Which i ...

How do modems connect with ISP?

AFAIK when i turn on my modem, it says: "Hi ISP, i need an IP". Then, my ISP give it an IP. How does my ISP identify my modem? by last IP, key, or ...

2022-06-17 02:14:29   1   33    ip / dhcp / modem  
DHCP discover in scapy

I'm writing some Python code with scapy to send a DHCP discover packet, but I'm falling short with the theory behind what I'm doing: DHCP is an Appli ...

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