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jQuery-UI DatePicker not working with Aurelia and Typescript

I am trying to create a wrapper (custom attribute) around jQuery UI DatePicker. The date-picker.ts looks like below so far:

import {inject, bindable} from "aurelia-framework";

export class DatePickerCustomAttribute {
   static inject = [Element];

   @bindable isdate;

   constructor(public element:Element) {

   bind() {
       if (this.isdate) {
           console.log("trying to set datepicker");



<require from="./date-picker"></require>
<input ... date-picker="isdate.bind:isDate"/>

This works in Chrome, however not in Firefox or Edge. The code throws an error on execution of this line: $(this.element).datepicker(); . And the error says: Error: Assertion failed .

My Development Setup: Visual Studio 2015 - Aurelia - Typescript 1.5.4 - along with the necessary type definitions such as for aurelia, jQuery, jQueryui , and jQuery-ui-datetimepicker .

Requesting for help and suggestions.

Thank You.

EDIT: The stack trace is something like this:

Stack trace: 

webcomponents.js (polymer) is causing the issue. Try removing your dependency on that library. More troubleshooting tips here:


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