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load balancing in apache on jira cluster

Please help me in configuration my httpd. I made all what write in off site jira : https://developer.atlassian.com/jiradev/jira-architecture/jira-data-center/plugin-guide-to-jira-high-availability-and-clustering/configuring-a-jira-cluster-for-plugin-development

But if I go to link I got the simple test page of Apache. But why? I'm not understand why balancing is not working.

my httpd.conf (part):

  < VirtualHost *:80> ProxyRequests off ServerName jira-cluster.com <Proxy balancer://jiracluster> BalancerMember http://jira1.com:8080 route=node1 BalancerMember http://jira2.com:8080 route=node2 Order Deny,Allow Deny from none Allow from all ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests ProxySet stickysession=JSESSIONID </Proxy> <Location /balancer-manager> SetHandler balancer-manager Order deny,allow Allow from all </Location> ProxyPass /balancer-manager ! ProxyPass / balancer://jiracluster/ ProxyPreserveHost on < /VirtualHost> 

您是否尝试过将*替换为您的域名,例如<VirtualHost mydomain.com:80>

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