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Javascript Add Array Element to Dynamically Named Index


var input[[]];

$('some_selector').each(function() {
   var outer, inner; 

An error is encountered during the push function. Is it because the specific input[outer] is not declared as array?

Also, the value of outer is not necessarily sorted. So within the loop, outer can sequentially have values of: "property1","property2","property1","property3","property2" ...

In PHP terms, is there something equivalent to:

foreach () {


If outer has values like "property1", etc., then input isn't an array. It's an object. Unlike PHP, there are no associative arrays in Javascript.


var input = {};

And yes, you'll need to create an array before pushing to it. You can do that in one "maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't" step like so:

input[outer] = input[outer] || [];

and then push as before:


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