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how to post ajax data and not standard form data

I want to post a simple input field as json data to a webserver that i created. Now i have done this:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>


              type: 'POST',
              url: 'http://ihavearealurltoaserverhere',
              contentType: 'application/json',
              dataType: 'jsonp',
              data: JSON.stringify($('#postit').serializeObject()),
                complete: function() {
                //called when complete
                alert("DOET HET");

              success: function(data) {
                //called when successful
                alert("success DOET HET " + data);

              error: function() {
                  alert("DOET HET niet");
                //called when there is an error



$.fn.serializeObject = function()
    var o = {};
    var a = this.serializeArray();
    $.each(a, function() {
        if (o[this.name] !== undefined) {
            if (!o[this.name].push) {
                o[this.name] = [o[this.name]];
            o[this.name].push(this.value || '');
        } else {
            o[this.name] = this.value || '';
    return o;


<form id="postit">
  <input name='name' value='asd'>
 <input type="submit" value="Submit">


<pre id="result">moi

If i now click on submit then in my webservice i receive 2 respones. In one i get a POST(checked with wireshark) where i got the normal form data(if i check with CGI) i see request_method = name="asd", and secondly for the AJAX post i receive a GET(as i can see in wireshark) with the restants of my URL so for example if i post to www.bla.com/test then i get test&{name:%asd} and in CGI i see this in a QUERY_STRING

Why does my ajax not just send it as normal post?

Anwser: make use of e.preventDefault(); to stop the form from submitting. and use $.post('http://example', JSON.stringify($('#postit').serializeObject())); instead of ajax because, if you use ajax with dataType:json from another domain then you get No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' and if you use jsonp then it actually won't post but use GET, see answer below for more details

You need to add e.preventDefault() to the top of your function, to stop the form from submitting.

$('#postit').submit(function (e) {


        type : 'POST',
        url : 'http://ihavearealurltoaserverhere',
        contentType : 'application/json',
        dataType : 'jsonp',
        data : JSON.stringify($('#postit').serializeObject()),
        complete : function () {
            //called when complete
            alert("DOET HET");

        success : function (data) {
            //called when successful
            alert("success DOET HET " + data);

        error : function () {
            alert("DOET HET niet");
            //called when there is an error



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