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CheckBox in jTable?

I've added a checkbox to rows on my table, but unfortunately I'm unable to select/deselect them.

I'm using an own Table Model that I got on internet.

Table Model's code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;

public class ModeloTabela extends AbstractTableModel {
    private ArrayList linhas = null;
    private String [] colunas = null;

    public ModeloTabela(ArrayList lin, String[] col){
    public ArrayList getLinhas(){
        return linhas;

    public void setLinhas(ArrayList dados){
        linhas = dados;
    public String[] getColunas(){
        return colunas;
    public void setColunas(String [] nomes){
        colunas = nomes;
    public int getColumnCount(){
        return colunas.length;
    public int getRowCount(){
        return linhas.size();
    public String getColumnCount (int numCol){
        return colunas[numCol];

    public Object getValueAt(int numLin, int numCol){
        Object[] linha = (Object[])getLinhas().get(numLin);
        return linha[numCol];

    public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
        return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col) {
        return true;

And this Method will fill the Table:

public void PreencheTabela(String sql, JTable jt1, JTextField j1){
        ArrayList dados = new ArrayList();

    try { 
        dados.add(new Object[]{c.rs.getInt("prod_id"),c.rs.getString("prod_fabricante"),c.rs.getString("prod_fornecedor"),c.rs.getString("prod_nome"),
            c.rs.getString("prod_categoria"),c.rs.getDate("prod_datacadastro"),c.rs.getString("prod_codbarras"), c.rs.getInt("est_quantidade")});

    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Erro!\n"+ex.getMessage());
    ModeloTabela modelo = new ModeloTabela(dados, Colunas);

Which code can I use? Also, where do I put this code??

but unfortunately I'm unable to select/deselect them.

You didn't implement the setValueAt(...) method in your TableModel so the value can never be updated in the model.

I'm using an own Table Model that I got on internet.

Why are you using a custom TableModel? You can use the DefaultTableModel . It implements the setValueAt(...) method correctly. It also has an addRow(..) method that allows you to dynamically update the model.

Are you actually storing Boolean objects in the TableModel? I don't see you using getBoolean() to get the data from your ResultSet. The default renderers/editors for a check box will only be used when you have Boolean data in the column.

Also take a look at: Can't create column with checkboxes in JTable for a better implementation of the getColumnClass() method.

If you insist on using your custom TableModel, then take a look at the Swing tutorial link you were given in your last question. It shows and example of implementing the setValueAt() method.

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