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angularjs - Trouble returning data from a factory

I'm trying to create a db factory that returns data from the database to the client after the data is successfuly posted but it returns as 'undefined' for some reason.

My factory function looks like this:

uno.factory('adbFactory', ['$http', function($http){

    var fact = {};

    fact.get = function(http, query, isAll) {
        //var query = "get all blog_posts";
        http.post('php/adb/adb.php', {'query': query, 'all': isAll})
            return data;

    return fact;


And my controller resembles this:

uno.controller('newsCtrl', function($scope, $http, adbFactory){
    $scope.derp = 'derp!!!!!';
    console.log(adbFactory.get($http, 'get users 1', false));

don't worry about the 'get users 1 etc etc' string, i created a function in php that renders a SQL query based on given parameters. Is there something in my factory code i need to improve on??

I would advice returning the promise from the factory and handling the success and error events in the controller instead.

fact.get = function(http, query, isAll) {
    return http.post('php/adb/adb.php', {'query': query, 'all': isAll});

uno.controller('newsCtrl', function($scope, $http, adbFactory){
   adbFactory.get($http, 'get users 1', false).success(function(data) {

fact.get method has no return statement, that's why it returns undefined .

Also, this callback is useless because it is called asynchronously

   return data;

I think you want somethig like:

fact.get = function(http, query, isAll) {
   return http.post('php/adb/adb.php', {'query': query, 'all': isAll});

uno.controller('newsCtrl', function($scope, $http, adbFactory){    

    .get($http, 'get users 1', false)


You have to keep in mind that you are performing some asynchronous request.

You have two way to retrieve your data :

  • Following the callback way
  • Following the promise way

As you know, $http service return promise, and has some callback method, like .success() and .then() for example.

For promise, $q.defer() is a promise manager from the deferred API .

$q.defer() get 2 methods :

  • resolve(value) : which resolve our associated promise, by giving her the final value

  • reject(reason) : which resolve an promise error.

So you can do :



  function Service($http, $q){

    var defer = $q.defer();

    //Callback way
    function get(callback){
        //Pass our data to the callback

    //Promise ways
    function getPromise(){
        //Resolve the data
      //Return our promise
      return defer.promise;

    return {
      get: get,
      getPromise: getPromise


    .factory('Service', Service);




function Controller($scope, Service) {

  //Our callback method
  function print(data){

  //Retrieve our data by using callback way

  //Retrieve our data by using promise way
  var promise = Service.getPromise();

  //When promise is resolved
    //Retrieve our data


.module('app', [])
.controller('ctrl', Controller);


But what should i use ? I think that use promise is better than callback, because you can handle easily your request. Moreover, you can perform promise chaining , and avoid the famous callback hell .

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