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How to filter by a function in sequelize.js

I'm trying to filter results by a function and then also order the resultset with the function column. Here is my code so far:

  attributes: [
  where: {
    summation: {
      gte: 500
  order: [['summation', 'ASC']],
  logging: console.log
}).then(function(results) {


The SQL that gets generated makes it hard to re-reference the alias that gets created in the attributes:

SELECT SUM("departure_time", "arrival_time") AS "summation"
FROM "trip" AS "trip" 
WHERE "trip"."summation" >= 500 
ORDER BY "trip"."summation" ASC;

Any ideas on how to make this work without making the whole query literal?

I found a way by making a literal statement act as an alias. I'm using Postgres, so I'm not sure if the quoting works in other dialects:

var summationAlias = db.sequelize.literal('"summation"');

  attributes: [
  where: db.sequelize.where(summationAlias, '>=', 500),
  order: [[summationAlias, 'ASC']],
  logging: console.log
}).then(function(results) {


The above code generates the following SQL:

SELECT SUM("departure_time", "arrival_time") AS "summation"
FROM "trip" AS "trip" 
WHERE "summation" >= 500 
ORDER BY "summation" ASC;

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