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Firefox simple extension to create window as an popup

i would like to create simple below window on firefox. i'm trying to develop simple extension for some feature. now i can not create window like with windows window instead of Popup and i can not find any document about that


You should look at the source for the pixel perfect extension as it does something similar to your ( somewhat vague ) description:


You can use 'window/utils' SDK API and its openDialog() function:

  url: 'http://stackoverflow.com',
  name: 'My pop-up window!',
  features: 'height      = 180, ' +
            'width       = 320, ' +
            'toolbar     = no, ' +
            'menubar     = no, ' +
            'scrollbars  = no, ' +
            'resizable   = no, ' +
            'location    = no, ' +
            'directories = no, ' +
            'status      = no'

This API is described here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Low-Level_APIs/window_utils

And here you can find full list of supported features for openDialog() : https://developer.mozilla.org/pl/docs/Web/API/Window/open

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