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Why are my numeric stepper values so far out past the decimal point?

I'm using the Flex 4.6 Spark Numeric Stepper in my app and when I enter .9 it returns, "0.9000000953674316". I can enter any value actually. It is doing it for all of them.

If I use the arrow buttons it moves from 0 to 1 it sets the value to "0.09999990463256836".

So running more tests. If I start and zero and then go down it's:


and if I then go back up it's:


Here is my formatter code:

precision = 100;
public function formatNumericStepper(value:Number):String {
    return String(int(value*precision)/precision);

Note: Sometimes the value gets stuck at -.7 or .28. It works fine for whole numbers but it's buggy as heck with numbers less than one. Or I'm doing something wrong.

With some finessing and helpful direction from @DodgerThud the following seems to be working:


<s:NumericStepper id="numericStepper" snapInterval="0" stepSize=".01"


public var precision:int = 100;

public var fixedPosition:int = 2;

 * Format numeric stepper
 * Trim down to 2 decimal places.
 * */
public function formatNumericStepper(value:Number):String {
    var out:String;
    if (fixedPosition!=0) {
        out = Number(value.toFixed(fixedPosition)).toString();
    else {
        out = String(int(value * precision) / precision);
    return out;

public function valueParseFunction(value:String):Number {
    var out:Number;
    if (fixedPosition!=0) {
        out = Number(Number(value).toFixed(fixedPosition));
    else {
        out = Number(value);
    return out;

I think it was getting stuck because if you have a small enough step size, say .1 and then you are rounding using value*100/100 you are sometimes rounding down. Therefore, it is never a large or small enough step to get past a certain value.

The else statements could probably be removed. I kept them in so if it's possible to do it dynamically I can use the step size to get the decimal position as a counter.

So if step size is .1 then fixedPosition would be 1. If step size is .01 then fixedPosition would be 2. If .001 or .999 then the fixed position would be 3.

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