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How to remove node when become outside the scene in Sprite Kit

I am trying to delete node when goes out side the scene and i tried this method to do it

if( CGRectIntersectsRect(node.frame, view.frame) ) {
   // Don't delete your node
} else {
   // Delete your node as it is not in your view

but it seems not working any help would be appreciated

This is not going to be the best approach by a performance point of view but if you override the update method in your scene you will be able to write code that gets executed each frame so.

class GameScene : SKScene {

    var arrow : SKSpriteNode?

    override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {

        if let
            arrow = arrow,
            view = self.view
            CGRectContainsRect(view.frame, arrow.frame) == false &&
            CGRectIntersectsRect(arrow.frame, view.frame) == false {


Please keep in mind that every code you write inside the update method is executed each frame (60 times per second on a 60fps game) so you should be very careful about that. Typical things you don't want to write inside the update unless it is strictly necessary:

  1. creation of objects
  2. big loops
  3. recursive calls
  4. any crazy code that requires too much time to be executed

Hope this helps.

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