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Export to CSV in LocalReport of ReportViewer of winform

I wanted to export data from ReportViewer to CSV format in LocalReport. I have gone through this article on MSDN Forum which says that the Local report does not support CSV rendering.but this can be done in server Report but I can not use Server Report.

Is there any way to add a CSV export extension to ReportViewer in LocalReport?

Option 1 - Customize Export To Excel Toolbar Button

Handle ReportExport event of report viewer and if selected extension is excel, do your export to csv instead.

private void reportViewer1_ReportExport(object sender, 
    Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportExportEventArgs e)
    if (e.Extension.Name == "EXCELOPENXML")
        //Export your data to csv here    
        e.Cancel = true;

Option 2 - Add Custom Button To ReportViewer Toolbar

Add your custom button to toolbar of report viewer and assign a handler to click event of it and do your export to csv here:

private void ReportForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Load your data from wherever your data is
    //For example using Entity Framework:
    var db = new TestDBEntities(); 
    var data = db.Categories.ToList();

    //Set data to report
    this.CategoryBindingSource.DataSource = data;


    //Add your button to Toolbar of ReportViewr
    ToolStrip toolStrip = (ToolStrip)reportViewer1.Controls.Find("toolStrip1", true)[0];
    toolStrip.Items.Add(new ToolStripButton("Export To CSV", 
    null /*image*/, ExportToCSV_Click));

void ExportToCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Export your data to csv here    


Wherever you want to export data to csv , you can use data of datasource that you have passed to report.

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