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Unable to install ShareJS with npm

Using VM (vagrant) Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. npm and nodeJS versions are up to date.

I'm trying to install shareJS via

sudo npm install share@"<0.7"

but this cause npm errors.

npm ERR! Linux 3.13.0-55-generic
npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "share@<0.7"
npm ERR! node v0.12.7
npm ERR! npm  v2.14.1
npm ERR! path ../coffee-script/bin/coffee
npm ERR! code EPROTO
npm ERR! errno -71

npm ERR! EPROTO, symlink '../coffee-script/bin/coffee'
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR!     <https://github.com/npm/npm/issues>
npm ERR! Linux 3.13.0-55-generic
npm ERR! argv "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "share@<0.7"
npm ERR! node v0.12.7
npm ERR! npm  v2.14.1
npm ERR! path npm-debug.log.8eb898407f81b59ca45e8e0a6a951820
npm ERR! code ETXTBSY
npm ERR! errno -26

Thought that problem with versions of node or npm, reinstalled them but that's did no effect. Also look similar to licence expired issue, but it was closed month ago.

i just copied you command and it worked for me .

My machine is :

Ubuntu 14.4 64 bit

Node js version : v0.10.38 Npm version : 2.9.0

i think you have to check with this versions. please check is your version match wit this.

Good Luck

The solution is to add --no-bin-links flag.

npm install --no-bin-links  share@"<0.7"

Hope thats would be usefull for someone.

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