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jQuery get part of innerhtml

I need to get the html of ap tag, however there is a br tag inside of it. So it looks like:

    Some Text
    Some More Text

I need to get the first part and second part separately. So I could do something like:

$('p').html() //Up To '<'
$('p').html() //After '>'

Is it possible?

If you know that there's always going to be a <br> tag, then yes. Otherwise you can utilize regex.

var foo = $('p').html().split('<br>')[0];
var bar = $('p').html().split('<br>')[1];

Try to use .contents() to retrieve the nodes that are present inside,


And node object has a property called nodeValue , it will give you the text that you need.


I can suggest you two options:

First: Using substring ( FIDDLE )

var content = $('p').html();
var firstPart = content.substring(0,content.indexOf("<br>"));
var secondPart = content.substring(content.indexOf("<br>") + 4,content.length);

Second: Using split ( FIDDLE )

var content = $('p').html().split("<br>");
var firstPart = content[0];
var secondPart = content[1];

Yes, it's possible!!! use the split function...


   var str = $('p').html();



You can use the jQuery split method to split the content at the <br> tag. Then grab everything up to that.

var text = $('p').html();

To get the second part, you use the same split method but grab everything after the

Here is a link to MDN further explaining the split() method.


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