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FluentValidation, how to include parent property name in child validator exception message

RuleFor(getEligibleShippingDetails => getEligibleShippingDetails.ShipFromAddress)
 .WithMessage("Ship from address is required.")

The exception I'm getting is

Exception : Invalid get eligible shipping services request. 'Email' must not be empty. Email address is required.

The message doesn't include that it was actually validation of ShipFromAddress property.

Of course I can pass a reference message to the child validator like "Ship from address", however, maybe there is a more elegant way to do it.

Tried something like that,

RuleFor(getEligibleShippingDetails => getEligibleShippingDetails.ShipFromAddress)
.WithMessage("Ship from address is required.")
.WithMessage("Invalid ship from address.")

However the last message was ignored.

Any advise.

Child model should have a reference to parent model, because there are no special means in FlueentValidation for this purpose:

public class Parent
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public Child ChildModel {get;set;}

public class Child
    public string Name {get;set;}
    public Parent ParentModel {get;set;}

public class ChildValidator : AbstractValidator<Child>
    public ChildValidator()
        RuleFor(x => x.Name)
            .WithMessage("Name should not be null for child of {0}'s parent", (model, value) => model.Parent.Id)

If you use MVC - just implement ModelBinder, that would set Parent property for child.

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