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How can I properly use jQuery to fix this fencepost case?

I have a function

function giveTheseEqualHeight ( selector )
     // selector: CSS selector of elements on the page to be forced to have the same height

     var these = $(selector);
     if (these.length < 2) return; 
     var maxHeight = these.first().height();
        var thisHeight = $(this).height();
        if (thisHeight > maxHeight) maxHeight = thisHeight;                

which is very self explanatory.

Example use case:

giveTheseEqualHeight('.service-column h3'); 

would make all h3 elements that are descendants of elements of class service-column have equal height by heightening the ones that are smaller than the one with the most height.

The problem is that the loop

                var thisHeight = $(this).height();
                if (thisHeight > maxHeight) maxHeight = thisHeight;                

doesn't need to execute its body on the first iteration -- such amounts to useless operations. Instead of these.each , I want to start with the 2nd item. Is this possible?

jQuery has slice . Slice from second element (index 1). If the end is omitted, it slices until the end.


You can avoid calculating height of the first element if you get array of heights and then take the max with native Math.max:

function giveTheseEqualHeight(selector) {
    var these = $(selector);
    if (these.length < 2) return;

    var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, these.map(function(el) {
        return $(this).height();

Here is a demo of it:

 function giveTheseEqualHeight(selector) { var these = $(selector); if (these.length < 2) return; these.height('auto'); var maxHeight = Math.max.apply(null, these.map(function(el) { return $(this).height(); })); these.height(maxHeight); } giveTheseEqualHeight('div') 
 div {display: inline-block;background: #EEE; vertical-align: top;} 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div>Lorem</div> <div>Test <br>rest</div> <div>Test <br> and rest <br>on the <br>west</div> 

Use the greater-than selector to select all elements who's index is greater than the number provided.

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