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Make button clickable when using radio button

so I have the following view:

<ion-view view-title="Training Detail">
    <ion-content class="padding">

            <ul class="list">

                <ion-item class="item item-checkbox item-button-right" ng-repeat="exercise in exercises" on-double-tap="sendToChangeExercise" on>
                    <label class="checkbox">
                        <input type="checkbox"  ng-click="didExercise(exercise.exerciseID)" >
                    <p>{{exercise.repetition}} <b ng-if="exercise.diaryRepetition.length > 0"><i> Eintrag im Trainingstagebuch: {{exercise.diaryRepetition}}</i></b></p>
                    <p>{{exercise.weight}} <b ng-if="exercise.diaryWeight.length > 0"><i> Eintrag im Trainingstagebuch: {{exercise.diaryWeight}}</i></b></p>
                  <button class="button button-positive" onclick="alert('fuuu')">
                    <i class="icon ion-ios-telephone"></i>


        <button class="button button-full button-positive" id="finisherButton" disabled="true" >


Which works great. I have a radiobutton and wherever I click in this row, the radio button will select/deselect.

But I want to give the user the possibility to change weight and repetition. I want to add a button on the right, where the user can click and change things. However, the button is not clickable. Even if I click on the button, the radio button will select/deselect instead of doing 'button stuff'.

How can I make this row, so that like, the effect of the radio button "stops" right before the button? And the button is clickable?

Thanks for help!

You need to stop propagation from parent click. Put your button like this

<button class="button button-positive" ng-click="alert('fuuu'); $event.stopPropagation();">
   <i class="icon ion-ios-telephone"></i>

you can try as :

    <ion-view view-title="Training Detail">
    <ion-content class="padding">

            <ul class="list">

                <ion-item class="item item-checkbox item-button-right" ng-repeat="exercise in exercises" on-double-tap="sendToChangeExercise" on>
                    <label class="checkbox">
                        <input type="checkbox"  ng-click="didExercise(exercise.exerciseID)" >
                    <p>{{exercise.repetition}} <b ng-if="exercise.diaryRepetition.length > 0"><i> Eintrag im Trainingstagebuch: {{exercise.diaryRepetition}}</i></b></p>
                    <p>{{exercise.weight}} <b ng-if="exercise.diaryWeight.length > 0"><i> Eintrag im Trainingstagebuch: {{exercise.diaryWeight}}</i></b></p>
                  <button class="button button-positive clickme" alt="red"> click me
                    <i class="icon ion-ios-telephone"></i>
                        <input type='radio' id ="red" name="hello"/>

                        <button class="button button-positive clickme" alt="green"> click me
                    <i class="icon ion-ios-telephone"></i>
                        <input type='radio' id ="green" name="hello"/>



        <button class="button button-full button-positive" id="finisherButton" disabled="true" >


2: your java script code would be as like.I am using jquery please confirm link: https://jsfiddle.net/gynz82tg/1/ . May be it will help you.

       var attr = $(this).attr('alt');



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