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How to link to different controllers in Angular

I created a ListCtrl , responsible for fetching data from server and paginating it (it will work for ALL my resources). However, It must receive a few configurations prior to setup the Path to the resource, default limit, and so on...

The way I thought doing it, is to use my ListCtrl inside a bigger Controller, but initialising it with a few params like this:

<div ng-controller="DashboardCtrl as dashboard">
 <div ng-controller="ListCtrl as list" ng-init="list.init(dashboard.listParams)">
  <... Iterate through list.items ...>

Reading a few articles, I saw that using ng-init is not good, and should be used only for lists initialisation. Is there a better approach, without using ng-init ? Or is this just ok

Consider using a directive instead of just attaching a controller directly to a DOM element. A directive allows you to explicitly handle passing data between controllers without relying on global state (which many solutions using services effectively rely upon).

You would want to create a directive that accepts some sort of configuration, which you could then pass via an attribute.

angular.module('yourApp').directive('yourList', function () {
  return {
    bindToController: true,
    controller: 'ListCtrl',
    controllerAs: 'list',
    scope: {
      params: '='
<div ng-controller="DashboardCtrl as dashboard">
  <your-list params="dashboard.listParams"></your-list>

The params property will then be available on ListCtrl 's scope. To handle the template used by your directive, you could use a separate partial, or you could use transclusion to keep the elements in your main template.

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