cost 620 ms
Koa: Stream the HTML

With Koa, one of my route has a long process, and I would want to stream the body to start sending the css and the javascript so the browser can start ...

fs.writefile() lost data of image

I use a post request to upload a picture and store the image data in my server but lost some image data: let storePic = function(imgData) { const ...

2020-09-12 02:54:04   1   38    node.js / koa2  
Send multipart/mixed response using Koa

We need to send a multipart/mixed response (with a JSON part followed by one or more binary parts) using Koa. Note this is a response, not a request. ...

2020-07-27 17:42:17   1   54    koa2  
Fetch image and send it using koa2

I am trying to fetch an image from external URL and then send it as a response in koa2. For fetching the image I am using Axios library. I am trying ...

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