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LINQ doesn't give output I expect

 var CC = new List<Company>();

            Company t1 = new Company();
            t1.Comp = "ABC";
            t1.Area = "Area1";
            t1.Link = "https://www.google.com";

            Company t2 = new Project();
            t2.Comp = "DEF";
            t2.Area = "Area2";
            t2.Link = "https://www.yahoo.com";

            var a = from p in CC where p.Comp == "ABC" && p.Area == "Area1"
                    select p.Link;



In the above code I expect to see the output as "www.google.com".

But what I see is .


Where am I going wrong ?? and how can I see "www.google.com" ?

a is returning as IEnumerable if you want to access google then you'd like to foreach on it or do FirstOrDefault()

foreach(var item in a)

More information can be found here

As there is no way to know how many will match, your variable a is not a single match, but the list of matches. You will need to pick one, maybe the first:


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