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Notepad++ Python script name 'notepad' is not defined

I have a simple script in Python, in which I am trying to traverse all files in a folder and change them to UTF-8 encoding using Notepad++.

import os;
import sys;
import Npp;
Npp.editor.write('FilePath: ' + str(filePathSrc) + '\r\n')
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filePathSrc):
        for fn in files:
            if fn[-4:] == '.txt' or fn[-4:] == '.xml' or fn[-5:] == '.html':
                notepad.open(root + "\\" + fn)
                console.write(root + "\\" + fn + "\r\n")
                notepad.runMenuCommand("Encoding", "Encode in UTF-8")
                Npp.editor.write('Converted ' + str(fn))
except Exception as ex:
    Npp.editor.write('Error occured\r\n')

However, when I click on Plugins -> Python Script -> Scripts -> MySript, all I get is:

FilePath: C:\SomePath
Error occured
name 'notepad' is not defined

When searching the Internet, I have never found anyone with the same problem. All similar problems were caused because people were trying to run the script outside of Notepad++. However, I am getting the error when using Notepad++ plugin directly.

As documented here , editor , notepad , and console are all instances defined within the module itself.

You can prefix those objects with Npp. , as you have already done for editor . A less advised option is to do a from Npp import * instead of import Npp .

Do you know the encoding of the source files? If so you can just use Python to convert your files to UTF8 encoding.

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