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dll not loaded from bin directory

I have some troubles on using firebird embedded in my application .

if i reference it with the full path in web.config it work

part of the connectionstring :

client library=C:\Dev\WEB\Projects\project1\bin\fbembed.dll;

but if i simply put

client library=fbembed.dll

i have a dllnotfoundexcetion .

i have also checked that the dll and all it's dependencies exists in the Bin folder, and like i said with the full path everything work fine .

any idea please ?

it wierd but it's solved :)

client library=fbembed

without ".dll"

from comments:

Here it is in context, please note client library=fbembed without ".dll" extension

<add name="FBEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/FBEmbedModel.csdl|res://*/FBEmbedModel.ssdl|r‌​es://*/FBEmbedModel.msl;provider=FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient;provider connection string=&quot;client library=fbembed;initial catalog=|DataDirectory|D2015.gdb;user id=sysdba;password={password};Connection lifetime = 0; Pooling = true; MinPoolSize = 0; MaxPoolSize = 500; Packet Size = 8192; ServerType = 1&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

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