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Compile Kernel module on Chromebook

I am running an ARMv7 Chromebook with crouton. I would like to get CIFS shares mounted, but it appears that CIFS is not in the kernel. So I downloaded the same kernel version source as I am on, compiled the cifs.ko module, and attempted to load it. But I received this error:

# insmod cifs.ko
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module cifs.ko: Operation not permitted

The module is compiled as an ARM module, I checked with file:

# file cifs.kocifs.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, version 1, BuildID[sha1]=e14d1772583fae478e2b113b57ce81c214e511af, not stripped

What gives?

Chromium OS does not allow adding kernel modules by default. Use this script to disable module locking. https://github.com/divx118/crouton-packages/blob/master/README.md

More information on modifying the Chromium OS kernel can be found here: https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki/Build-kernel-headers-and-install-Virtualbox-(x86) Generally the entire crouton repository / wiki is a lot of help.

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