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Multiple INSERT INTO MySQL from $_POST array

I am receiving the following arrays from a form:

array (size=1)
    'checkbox' => 
array (size=2)
    0 => string '14' (length=2)
    1 => string '13' (length=2)
    2 => string '15' (length=2)
array (size=1)
    'id' => string '1' (length=1)

I need to build a query looking like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO table(column1,column2) VALUES (14,1),(13,1),(15,1)";
And the first array will be different every time based on the checked checkboxes.

Well, you can try looping with a foreach on that array. So let's say you have named your checkboxes as name="checkbox[]" .

Then on the page where you are processing the $_POST vars you can do

$sql = "INSERT INTO table(column1,column2) VALUES (?,?)";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
foreach ($_POST['checkbox'] as $box) {
    //process each checkbox here
    $stmt->bind_param('ss', $box, $otherValue);

This is just a pseudo-code to get you started.

You can find more info on prepared statements here: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php

// Create an empty array to store each checkbox value
$values = array();

    foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $checkbox){
        foreach($checkbox as $key => $value){

            // add each checkbox value to an array
            $values[] = ($value,$_POST['id']);


// if the array has values..

    // implode the values into a string..
    $sqlValues = implode(',',$values);

    // ..and use that string in the query
    $sql = "INSERT INTO table(column1,column2) VALUES $sqlValues";


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