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How do I pass parameters via url in django?

I am trying to pass a parameter to my view, but I keep getting this error:

NoReverseMatch at /pay/how

Reverse for 'pay_summary' with arguments '(False,)' and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['pay/summary/$']

/pay/how is the current view that I'm at. (that is the current template that that view is returning).


url(r'^pay/summary/$', views.pay_summary, name='pay_summary')


def pay_summary(req, option):
    if option:
        #do something
        #do something else


<a href="{% url 'pay_summary' False %}">my link</a>


I want the view should accept a POST request, not GET.

To add to the accepted answer, in Django 2.0 the url syntax has changed:

path('<int:key_id>/', views.myview, name='myname')

Or with regular expressions:

re_path(r'^(?P<key_id>[0-9])/$', views.myview, name='myname')

You need to define a variable on the url. For example:

url(r'^pay/summary/(?P<value>\d+)/$', views.pay_summary, name='pay_summary')),

In this case you would be able to call pay/summary/0

It could be a string true/false by replacing \\d+ to \\s+ , but you would need to interpret the string, which is not the best.

You can then use:

<a href="{% url 'pay_summary' value=0 %}">my link</a>

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