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How to program this game with basic C# and ASP .NET knowledge?

I would love to brainstorm with you guys on how to program this game (originally a flash game) in C#. I'm studying C# right now and my knowledge is pretty limited: I know the pretty much the basics of C# but I need your help with the concept. Here's the game: http://www.composica.com/product/samples/AstroHops/content/scaler.html alt text http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/5735/frogim3.jpg

I thought about using imagebutton for each lilypad that would trigger a modal window with question. I also thought about placing a picture of a frog on each lilypad, set to visible = false. When the a certain lilypad is selected the frog's visibility will be set to true.

Any thoughts, ideas, suggestion on how to this better? Maybe links to a similar game coded with c#?


ASP.NET (and HTML generally) isn't directly suited to compete with flash - they simply work differently. Perhaps look at Silverlight ; that is the MS offering that is closest to flash, and you can use C#.

Marc solution seems like best one, but if you really need it in C# (in ASP.NET Right?) then you might consider AJAX but yea it is sort of bad approach.

If it is winforms you are talking about, then i would consider using some 2d graphics engine for that. otherwise your idea CAN work with the default .net forms, it just wont look very nice....

you might take a look at this, seems like a nice start point for working with directX and c# http://www.csharp-home.com/index/tiki-print_article.php?articleId=146

Good luck with your project!

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