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asp.net mvc 4.6 access all route dictionary parameters and values from controller action method

I have the following code

public class UserProfileController : Controller 
  public ActionResult Index(string manager="",string status="") 
    var rvd = // Get route value dictionary for current call
    return View(vm);

I would like to be able to pass a RouteValueDictionary to UserProfileService that includes key\\values for manager and status.


If I made the following request, https://localhost:44301/UserProfile?manager=bill&status=active I would expect the route value dictionary to contain manager and status keys.

So far all I can find is RouteDate with key\\values for "controller" and "action" but not action method parameter values "manager","active".

ended up creating and extension method to do the job.

public static IDictionary<string,string> MergeRouteQueryValues (this Controller c) {
  var d = new Dictionary<string,string>() {
  foreach (string key in c.Request.QueryString.Keys) { 
  return d;

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