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ASP.NET MVC3 Controller Method route variable parameters

Is there a way to route a variable set of parameters to an MVC3 controller.

I'm trying to get something to match a url like

/myaction/foo/bar/widget/.../foo1/foo2/ - i.e. of unknown length.

at the moment I'm faking it with

public ActionResult myaction(string f1, string f2, string f3, string f4) 

and a route

            new { controller = "mycontroller", action = "myaction", f1 = UrlParameter.Optional, f2=UrlParameter.Optional, f3=UrlParameter.Optional, f4=UrlParameter.Optional }

but that is horribly brittle.

After digging and some offline help...

public ActionResult myaction(string allsegments)
    var urlsegments = allsegments.split('/');

        new { controller = "mycontroller", action = "myaction"}

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