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MySQL Query, GET(id)?!

I have written the following script to creates a .ics file download based on a mySQL query.

$start = date('Ymd', strtotime($row['CourseStartDate']));
$end = date('Ymd', strtotime($row['CourseEndDate']));
header("Content-Type: text/Calendar");
header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=Bookings$id.ics");
echo "PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 12.0 MIMEDIR//EN\n";
echo "VERSION:2.0\n";
echo "BEGIN:VEVENT\n";
echo "CLASS:PUBLIC\n";
echo "CREATED:20091109T101015Z\n";
echo "DESCRIPTION:{$row['Attendees']}\n";
echo "DTEND:{$end}\n";
echo "DTSTAMP:20100109T093305Z\n";
echo "DTSTART:{$start}\n";
echo "LAST-MODIFIED:20091109T101015Z\n";
echo "LOCATION:{$row['CourseLocation']}\n";
echo "PRIORITY:5\n";
echo "SEQUENCE:0\n";
echo "SUMMARY:{$row['CourseTitle']}\n";
echo "UID:".date('Ymd') . 'T' .date('His').rand();
echo "X-MS-OLK-CONFTYPE:0\n";
echo "END:VEVENT\n";


$sql = "SELECT BookingID, CourseStartDate, CourseEndDate, CourseTitle,(' ',Forenames,' ', Surname) as Attendees, LastUpdated
FROM Bookings
GROUP BY CourseStartDate, CourseTitle
ORDER BY CourseStartDate DESC";

When I download the file it creates a perfect calendar event with everything targeted as planned, however it only returns one course, I'd like to be able to do this on a course by course basis, ie view a course and have the option to 'download to calendar' then run the script based on that course!?. I tried writing in an if statement but to no avail. Where am I going wrong?!

If I understood, you should :

Use $_GET to pass the id of your course.

Example if you are viewing "Course #1" :

<a href="caltest.php?id=$course_id">Download to calendar</a>

Then add WHERE clause in your SQL query in caltest.php :

WHERE CourseId = $_GET['id']

Note : Verify that $_GET['id'] is valid and use prepared statements for more security

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