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Personal Maven repository on Bitbucket/GitHub

Here is my problem. Im traing host my library on Bitbucket repo. For this i create branch 'releases', put in there this files and folders:

   - myartifact
      - 1.0.0
          - myartifact-1.0.0.aar
          - myartifact-1.0.0.aar.md5
          - myartifact-1.0.0.aar.sh1
          - myartifact-1.0.0.pom
          - myartifact-1.0.0.pom.md5
          - myartifact-1.0.0.pom.sh1
   - maven-metadata.xml
   - maven-metadata.xml.md5
   - maven-metadata.xml.sha1

For the next step im add new maven repo:

allprojects {
    repositories {
            url "https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/repositories/myusername/myrepo/raw/releases/"

And add new dependency:

compile 'com.mygroup:myartifact:1.0.0'

Nothings work. Repository does not exist: Failed to resolve: com.mygroup:myartifact:1.0.0 What i'm doing wrong?

Can you try to add your credentials like this? :

maven {
        credentials {
            username "test@gmail.com"
            password "test"
        url "https://bitbucket.org/test/maven-repo/raw/master/repository/"

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