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Cannot Resolve the github repository

Trying to use a repository which is available in jetpack.io and also is available through an aar file I've tried adding the module and its not working and now I am trying to add it using jetpack repository . here is my gradle file

buildscript {
repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

dependencies {

    classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.5.0'
apply plugin: 'com.android.application'
configurations {
all*.exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'support-v4'
dependencies {
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.1'
compile 'com.github.QuadFlask:colorpicker:0.0.10'

android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion '23.0.1'

sourceSets {
    main {
        manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
        java.srcDirs = ['src']
        resources.srcDirs = ['src']
        aidl.srcDirs = ['src']
        renderscript.srcDirs = ['src']
        res.srcDirs = ['res']
        assets.srcDirs = ['assets']

    // Move the tests to tests/java, tests/res, etc...

    // Move the build types to build-types/<type>
    // For instance, build-types/debug/java, build-   types/debug/AndroidManifest.xml, ...
    // This moves them out of them default location under src/<type>/...   which would
    // conflict with src/ being used by the main source set.
    // Adding new build types or product flavors should be accompanied
    // by a similar customization.


and the default repository is located here https://github.com/QuadFlask/colorpicker when im trying to build my app it says cannot resolve the com.github. as the picture shows :


try to put the following into your root (project's) build.gradle file (not the module's build)

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }

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