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Set routes in Laravel 5.1

I'm new in laravel, I wants to make separate folder for admin & front end. I've made folder like this


I wants to place common controllers in common folder like header, footer etc. In any another folder will be another related files like eg: category


But I'm stuck to make it working with routes, Should I use the same logic in Laravel or is there a better way to do it? Please suggest me how can I do it?

Here are the first four lines of my home controller

namespace LocalProject\Http\Controllers\Catalog\Common;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use LocalProject\Http\Requests;
use LocalProject\Http\Controllers\Controller; 

I'd really appreciate any kind of help.

Routes work based off of namespaces, class names, and functions.


Folder structure shouldn't matter.

Edit for some more question specific answers:

You probably want to use something like this:

Route::get("home/index", [ "as" => "home.index", "uses" => "\LocalProject\Http\Controllers\Catalog\Common\HomeController" => "HomeController@index" ]);

You may also want to look into Route::group to help keep your namespaces more organized.

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