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different config files on C# projects

I've two projects: UI (Winforms application) and Core (dll). Each project has to own its config file.

For example:

Core project (settings.config)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="environment" value="development"/>

UI project (app.config)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <add key="skin" value="win"/>

From Core I read settings.config as:

System.Configuration.ConfigurationFileMap fileMap = new System.Configuration.ConfigurationFileMap("settings.config");
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedMachineConfiguration(fileMap);
string environment = configuration.AppSettings.Settings["environment"].Value;

At this point crashes and dumps me that it's unable to cast System.Configuration.DefaultSection to System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection .

I think what you need is this

        ExeConfigurationFileMap configFileMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap()
            ExeConfigFilename = "settings.config"
        var configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configFileMap,
        var section = (AppSettingsSection)configuration.GetSection("appSettings");
        string value = section.Settings["environment"].Value;

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