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Junit test for a method which calls another void method of another component

I have a method A (Check) on which it calls another void method B(wantToSkip). A will throw one exception for which I am going to write junit test. In this case want to avoid calling method B. How can I achieve that? Code is as below:

class A {
    Class c = new Class();
    Public void setC(C c) {
    this.c = c;
    String check(){
            //do something
        } catch(Exception test) {

Here I just want to make sure exception test is thrown but want to skip calling method inside it. I tried following but did not work

@Test//(expected= Exception.class)
public void test(){
class c = Mockito.spy(new class());
check(some arguments);

If you provide a setter for Class c, you can use Mockito to achieve what you want to do.

Your unit test would look something like this:

@Mock private Class mockC;

public void test(){
    A a = new A();
    a.check(some arguments);

Alternatively you could take your Class c in the constructor, in which case your test could look like this.

@Mock private Class mockC;

public void test(){
    A a = new A(mockC);
    a.check(some arguments);

The mockC has no behaviour specified for when c.wantToSkip() is called, so it won't do anything.

The latest non-beta version for mockito is here: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mockito/mockito-all/1.10.19

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