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Why am I getting compile errors “<variable> not declared in this scope”?

I was having some problems with my first C++ program (this one) awhile ago. Basically I am trying to do an assignment for intro to C++ class where the professor has taught us no syntax. Here is my code right now:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
class Race
     void main()


        int randomMove()
                int randomInt = rand() % 100 + 1;
                return randomInt;

        void executeRace()
                int rabbitPosition = 1;
                int turtlePosition = 1;

                cout << "BANG!!!" << endl << "AND THEY'RE OFF!!!";

                while (rabbitPosition <=70 && turtlePosition <=70)
                        printPositions(rabbitPosition, turtlePosition);

                        turtlePosition = turtleMoveSquares(turtlePosition);
                        rabbitPosition = rabbitMoveSquares(rabbitPosition);

                printWinner(rabbitPosition, turtlePosition);

                tie(rabbitPosition, turtlePosition);

        int turtleMoveSquares(int tPosition)

                int turtleMove = randomMove();

                if(turtleMove >=1 && turtleMove <= 40)
                        tPosition = tPosition + 4;

                if(turtleMove >= 41 && turtleMove <= 50 )
                        tPosition = tPosition - 2;

                if(turtleMove >=51 && turtleMove <=100)
                        tPosition = tPosition + 2;

                if(tPosition < 1)
                        tPosition = 1;

                return tPosition;

        int rabbitMoveSquares(int rabbitPosition)

                int rabbitMove = randomMove();

                if(rabbitMove >=1 && rabbitMove <= 25)
                        rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition;

                if(rabbitMove >=26 && rabbitMove <= 55)
                        rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition + 10;

                if(rabbitMove >=56 && rabbitMove <=60)
                        rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition - 15;

                if(rabbitMove >=61 && rabbitMove <= 90)
                        rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition + 5;

                if(rabbitMove >=90 && rabbitMove <=100)
                        rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition - 3;

                if(rabbitPosition < 1)
                        rabbitPosition = 1;

                return rabbitPosition;

        void printPositions(int rabbitPositions, int turtlePositions)
                int turtleCount;
                int rabbitCount;
                int endCount;

                if(rabbitPositions == turtlePositions && rabbitPositions != 1)
                        turtleCount = 1;

                        while(turtleCount < turtlePositions)
                                cout << "-";
                                turtleCount = turtleCount+1;
                        cout << "OUCH!";

                        turtleCount = 1;
                        rabbitCount = 1;

                        if(turtlePositions < rabbitPositions)
                                while(turtleCount < turtlePositions)
                                        cout <<  "-";
                                                turtleCount = turtleCount+1;
                                cout << "T";

                                while(rabbitCount < (rabbitPositions - turtlePositions))
                                        cout <<  "-";
                                        rabbitCount = rabbitCount+1;
                                cout << "H";


                        if(rabbitPositions < turtlePositions)
                                while(rabbitCount < rabbitPositions)
                                        cout << "-";
                                                rabbitCount = rabbitCount+1;
                                cout << "H";

                                while(turtleCount < (turtlePositions - rabbitPositions))
                                        cout << "-";
                                        turtleCount = turtleCount+1;
                                cout << "T";

                                cout << "\n";

        void printWinner(int rabbitPosition, int turtlePosition)
                if(turtlePosition >= 70 && rabbitPosition < 70)
                        cout << "TORTOISE WINS!!! YAY!!!\n";
                else if(rabbitPosition >=70 && turtlePosition < 70)
                        cout << "Hare wins. Yuch.\n";
                else if(rabbitPosition >=70 && turtlePosition >=70)
                        cout << "It's a tie\n";

        void tie(int turtlePosition, int rabbitPosition)
                if(rabbitPosition >=70 && turtlePosition >=70)


int main()
  Race race;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

and here are my errors on compile:

uxb3% g++ o- Race Race.cc
g++: o-: No such file or directory
g++: Race: No such file or directory
Race.cc: In member function 'void Race::main()':
Race.cc:14: error: 'executeRace' was not declared in this scope
Race.cc:17: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
Race.cc:24: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
Race.cc:44: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
Race.cc:64: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
Race.cc:90: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
Race.cc:153: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token
Race.cc:169: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before '{' token

Sorry to keep bothering you guys about this assignment, but it is my first and I am very, VERY frustrated and obsessed at the moment.

You cannot have functions inside your functions *.

You probably want this:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;
class Race
    int randomMove()
            int randomInt = rand() % 100 + 1;
            return randomInt;

    void executeRace()
            int rabbitPosition = 1;
            int turtlePosition = 1;

            cout << "BANG!!!" << endl << "AND THEY'RE OFF!!!";

            while (rabbitPosition <=70 && turtlePosition <=70)
                    printPositions(rabbitPosition, turtlePosition);

                    turtlePosition = turtleMoveSquares(turtlePosition);
                    rabbitPosition = rabbitMoveSquares(rabbitPosition);

            printWinner(rabbitPosition, turtlePosition);

            tie(rabbitPosition, turtlePosition);

    int turtleMoveSquares(int tPosition)

            int turtleMove = randomMove();

            if(turtleMove >=1 && turtleMove <= 40)
                    tPosition = tPosition + 4;

            if(turtleMove >= 41 && turtleMove <= 50 )
                    tPosition = tPosition - 2;

            if(turtleMove >=51 && turtleMove <=100)
                    tPosition = tPosition + 2;

            if(tPosition < 1)
                    tPosition = 1;

            return tPosition;

    int rabbitMoveSquares(int rabbitPosition)

            int rabbitMove = randomMove();

            if(rabbitMove >=1 && rabbitMove <= 25)
                    rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition;

            if(rabbitMove >=26 && rabbitMove <= 55)
                    rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition + 10;

            if(rabbitMove >=56 && rabbitMove <=60)
                    rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition - 15;

            if(rabbitMove >=61 && rabbitMove <= 90)
                    rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition + 5;

            if(rabbitMove >=90 && rabbitMove <=100)
                    rabbitPosition = rabbitPosition - 3;

            if(rabbitPosition < 1)
                    rabbitPosition = 1;

            return rabbitPosition;

    void printPositions(int rabbitPositions, int turtlePositions)
            int turtleCount;
            int rabbitCount;
            int endCount;

            if(rabbitPositions == turtlePositions && rabbitPositions != 1)
                    turtleCount = 1;

                    while(turtleCount < turtlePositions)
                            cout << "-";
                            turtleCount = turtleCount+1;
                    cout << "OUCH!";

                    turtleCount = 1;
                    rabbitCount = 1;

                    if(turtlePositions < rabbitPositions)
                            while(turtleCount < turtlePositions)
                                    cout <<  "-";
                                            turtleCount = turtleCount+1;
                            cout << "T";

                            while(rabbitCount < (rabbitPositions - turtlePositions))
                                    cout <<  "-";
                                    rabbitCount = rabbitCount+1;
                            cout << "H";


                    if(rabbitPositions < turtlePositions)
                            while(rabbitCount < rabbitPositions)
                                    cout << "-";
                                            rabbitCount = rabbitCount+1;
                            cout << "H";

                            while(turtleCount < (turtlePositions - rabbitPositions))
                                    cout << "-";
                                    turtleCount = turtleCount+1;
                            cout << "T";

                            cout << "\n";

    void printWinner(int rabbitPosition, int turtlePosition)
            if(turtlePosition >= 70 && rabbitPosition < 70)
                    cout << "TORTOISE WINS!!! YAY!!!\n";
            else if(rabbitPosition >=70 && turtlePosition < 70)
                    cout << "Hare wins. Yuch.\n";
            else if(rabbitPosition >=70 && turtlePosition >=70)
                    cout << "It's a tie\n";

    void tie(int turtlePosition, int rabbitPosition)
            if(rabbitPosition >=70 && turtlePosition >=70)

int main()
  Race race;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

*Unless dealing with higher-level languages, such as calculus, of course!

Compiler options:

g++ -o Race Race.cc

You're also declaring functions within your Race::main function

class Race
     void main()

     } // <----- add this

I think you should be using gcc -o ... , not gcc o- ... .

And, secondly, you can't define functions withing functions in C++.

Move the other function definition outside of your class void main() : specifically you need to move the second last brace before your int main() to immediately before int randomMove() .

You want to pull out the various functions which are at the moment included in the main() function defined in Race (inside its braces).

Select them, Ctrl-X (Cut), move to above the main() declaration, Ctrl-V (Paste). Reformat. Recompile.

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