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Custom query using DB::select() on laravel 4.2 controller

I had used a custom query in my controller in laravel here is my code in my controller:

public function c_viewSystemUser()
    $title = "View System Users";

    $jSu = DB::select(DB::raw("SELECT dbo_systemusers.SystemUserID,dbo_systemtypes.SystemType, dbo_systemusers.SystemUserName INNER JOIN dbo_systemtypes ON dbo_systemusers.SystemUserTypeID = dbo_systemtypes.SystemUserTypeID"));

    return View::make('ssims.view_systemUser',compact('title','jSu'));

I wanted to display its result in my blade file view_systemUser

here is my code inside the view:

@if ($jSu)

<table class="table table-striped table-hover" id="detailTable">
            <th>System User ID</th>
            <th>SystemUser Type ID</th>
            <th>System UserName</th>
            <th>System User Description</th>

        @foreach ($jSu as $vu)

                    <td>{{ $vu->dbo_systemusers.SystemUserID }}</td>
                    <td>{{ $vu->dbo_systemtypes.SystemType }}</td>
                    <td>{{ $vu->dbo_systemusers.SystemUserName}}</td>
                    <td>{{ $vu->dbo_systemusers.SystemUserDescription}}</td>



And I am having an error:

Undefined property: stdClass::$dbo_systemusers (View: C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\laravel3\\app\\views\\ssims\\view_systemUser.blade.php)

Any suggestions?

Try this:

@foreach ($jSu as $key => $vu)

      <td>{{ $vu->SystemUserID }}</td>
      <td>{{ $vu->SystemType }}</td>
      <td>{{ $vu->SystemUserName}}</td>
      <td>{{ $vu->SystemUserDescription}}</td>

You forgot to join dbo_systemusers with dbo_systemtypes. Try this code

SELECT dbo_systemusers.SystemUserID,dbo_systemtypes.SystemType, dbo_systemusers.SystemUserName from dbo_systemusers INNER JOIN dbo_systemtypes ON dbo_systemusers.SystemUserTypeID = dbo_systemtypes.SystemUserTypeID

And Try this on View page

 @foreach ($jSu as $vu)

                <td>{{ $vu->SystemUserID }}</td>
                <td>{{ $vu->SystemType }}</td>
                <td>{{ $vu->SystemUserName}}</td>
                <td>{{ $vu->SystemUserDescription}}</td>

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