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Windows PowerShell out of disk space script

This is a modified part of some larger script that removes old VHD images when there is not enough disk space on F drive to fit an image from C drive.

function DiskSpace() {
$Cdisk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='C:'" | Select-Object Size,FreeSpace
$Fdisk = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DeviceID='F:'" | Select-Object Size,FreeSpace
$CdiskCapacity = $Cdisk.size/1073741824
$CdiskFree = $Cdisk.freespace/1073741824
$CdiskUSed = $CdiskCapacity-$CDiskFree
$fdisk = $fdisk.freespace/1073741824

return $Fdisk, $cdiskUsed

if ($fdisk -gt $cdiskfree) {
write-host "Lot's of space on F: Drive"

Despite it shows there is more than 1.1 TB on F drive - it does not show my message.

PS C:\Users\Marek> C:\backup2.ps1

What's wrong ?

First, I would suggest using a different variable name here:

$fdisk = $fdisk.freespace/1073741824

Instead of reusing $fdisk.

Second, in this code:

if ($fdisk -gt $cdiskfree) {
write-host "Lot's of space on F: Drive"

It looks like you are trying to access variables that are a) only available inside the function and b) in the function that you have not actually called yet.

Third, as a style issue, you can use 1GB instead of 1073741824.

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