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Using pipe command in a batch file

I'm trying to write a batch file that searches through devices using devcon and then runs "devcon enable" on these devices.

My batch file looks like this:

for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in ('devcon find *VENDER_INFO* ^| findstr /C:"DEVICEINFO"') do devcon enable "@"%%i

You can ignore the " VENDER_INFO " and "DEVICEINFO" as I simply redacted these to make the commands easier to read.

When I run this.bat file, It appears as though the

devcon find *VENDER_INFO* ^| findstr /C:"DEVICEINFO"

command is only running the first part and failing to pipe the results through

findstr /C:"DEVICEINFO"

Can you see anything wrong with my .bat file? Why is it ignoring the pipe and second part of the find command? I tried removing the "^" but this fails and says "|" was unexpected.

The find command requires double quotes.

Read the help with this:

find /?

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