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Amazon s3 SDK for php can not get Bucket object list

I was getting list of object from a bucket but it getting error of endpoint.

define('AWS_KEY', 'xxxxxx');
define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', 'x+x/xxxxxxxx/');
define('AWS_CANONICAL_NAME', 'xxxxx');
$HOST = 's3.amazonaws.com';
require_once 'php_plugins/aws/v1/sdk.class.php';

$Connection = new AmazonS3(array(
 'key' => AWS_KEY,
 'secret' => AWS_SECRET_KEY,
 'canonical_id' => AWS_CANONICAL_ID,
 'canonical_name' => AWS_CANONICAL_NAME,

$ListResponse = $Connection->list_buckets();
$Buckets = $ListResponse->body->Buckets->Bucket;
foreach ($Buckets as $Bucket) {
    echo $Bucket->Name . "\t" . $Bucket->CreationDate . "\n";
    $response = $Connection->list_objects($Bucket->Name);

I am getting response.

[body] => CFSimpleXML Object
        [Code] => PermanentRedirect
        [Message] => The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.
        [Bucket] => pics.online.com
        [Endpoint] => pics.online.com.s3.amazonaws.com
        [RequestId] => 5F102571A54DA3BA
        [HostId] => tBBxwxfUbdlV+m1R/Z9BnjLViyjROdzXrhPfc28WHaZYo/1zAwof2C0G5CVpZvkP8oZERTL0CD8=

[status] => 301

I think error is in URL code call "host name/bucket name" here I have change my bucketname https://s3.amazonaws.com/pics.online.com/ it should call https://pics.online.com.s3.amazonaws.com/

can you anyone tell me how to change this path for amazon s3 PHP?

try this

require 'aws-autoloader.php';

$credentials = new Aws\Credentials\Credentials('XXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX');
$bucket = "";
$s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory([
    'signature' => 'v4',
    'version' => 'latest',
    'region' => 'ap-southeast-1',
    'credentials' => $credentials,
    'http' => [
        'verify' => '/home/ubuntu/cacert.pem'
    'Statement' => [
        'Action ' => "*",
//    'debug' => [
//        'logfn' => function ($msg) {
//            echo $msg . "\n";
//        },
//        'stream_size' => 0,
//        'scrub_auth' => true,
//        'http' => true,
//    ]

try {
  $objects = $s3->getIterator('ListObjects', array(
      'Bucket' => $bucket //bucket name

 echo "Keys retrieved!\n";
 foreach ($objects as $object) {
     echo $object['Key'] . "\n";
} catch (S3Exception $e) {
  echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";

download the sdk from AWS PHP SDK


First check you system for AWS Compatibility by using the following files.


you can use cacert.pem for fetching whole data from AWS S3.

you can download cacert.pem from here . and modify your php.ini by adding below code.

curl.cainfo = D:\xampp\php\cacert.pem

Here is the code I use on my local machine for fetching data without https. I have PHP V5.6 .

require 'aws-autoloader.php';
$s3 = \Aws\S3\S3Client::factory(array(
            'credentials' => array(
                'key' => '************',
                'secret' => '*************',
              'signature' => 'v4',
            'version' => 'latest',
            'region' => 'ap-southeast-1',
   print_r($result = $s3->listBuckets());

if you face errors in following format. you can use array format for initializing S3 object.

You can specify the bucket name using the set_hostname method...

$Connection->set_hostname($HOST); // Set the hostname
$Connection->allow_hostname_override(false); // Stop the hostname being changed later.

Your code should then read as follows...

define('AWS_KEY', 'xxxxxx');
define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', 'x+x/xxxxxxxx/');
define('AWS_CANONICAL_NAME', 'xxxxx');
$HOST = 's3.amazonaws.com';
require_once 'php_plugins/aws/v1/sdk.class.php';

$Connection = new AmazonS3(array(
 'key' => AWS_KEY,
 'secret' => AWS_SECRET_KEY,
 'canonical_id' => AWS_CANONICAL_ID,
 'canonical_name' => AWS_CANONICAL_NAME,


$ListResponse = $Connection->list_buckets();
$Buckets = $ListResponse->body->Buckets->Bucket;
foreach ($Buckets as $Bucket) {
    echo $Bucket->Name . "\t" . $Bucket->CreationDate . "\n";
    $response = $Connection->list_objects($Bucket->Name);

I'm not sure which region is your buckets in. I thought you have multiple buckets in multiple regions. You can not call object related operation using S3Client for different region. It's only working for a specific region.


define('REGION', 'ap-southeast-1');

require_once 'aws-sdk-php-3.4.0/aws-autoloader.php';

$client = new Aws\S3\S3Client(array(
    'credentials' => array(
        'key' => AWS_KEY,
        'secret' => AWS_SECRET_KEY,
    'region' => REGION,
    'version' => 'latest',

$listBuckets = $client->listBuckets();
foreach ($listBuckets['Buckets'] as $bucket) {
    // Get bucket location
    $location = $client->getBucketLocation(array(
        'Bucket' => $bucket['Name']

    // Print bucket information
    echo $bucket['Name'] . "\t" . $bucket['CreationDate'] . "\t" . $location['LocationConstraint'] . "\n";

    // Check if the bucket location is in client region
    if ($location['LocationConstraint'] == $client->getRegion()) {
        $listObjects = $client->listObjects(array(
            'Bucket' => $bucket['Name']

        foreach ($listObjects['Contents'] as $object) {
            echo $object['Key'] . "\t" . $object['Size'] . "\n";
    } else {
        echo "--> The bucket is not in " . $client->getRegion() . ". Skipped.\n";

If you are working on multiple regions, you can create separated S3Client for each region.

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