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Cannot implicityly convert type System Generic List in XML Serialization

I have an asp.net app with c# code behind. Trying to serialize to xml using a class. However getting the error:

 cannot implicitly convert Cannot convert type system.collection.generic.list

This line occurs at:

 CourtDocumentEvent = new List<DocumentEventCourtDocumentEvent>

.CS file code :

AddOdyDocToWorkflowRequest AddOdyDocToWorkflowRequest = new AddOdyDocToWorkflowRequest()
    CaseDocument = new List<CaseDocument>()
        new CaseDocument() 
            CaseAugmentation = new List<CaseAugmentation>(){
                new CaseAugmentation(){

                    DocumentEvent = new List<DocumentEvent>()
                        new DocumentEvent()
                            CourtDocumentEvent = new List<DocumentEventCourtDocumentEvent>()
                                new DocumentEventCourtDocumentEvent()
                                    DocumentData = CaseNumberTextBox.Text+ "," + DocumentCode

This code will will convert your object to XML

    public static string ConvertToXml(object obj)
        StringWriter result = new StringWriter(new StringBuilder());

            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType());
            serializer.Serialize(result, obj);
            return result.ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)
            return result.ToString();


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