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Retrieving values of sublists without using other lists

I am trying to get the value of the i sublist and then i'm indexing in order to find the 1st and 2nd values in that sublist.

However I cannot index by i, since it is a list. How can I achieve this output?

forSale = [[b, 50],[m,60],[t,90]]

if choice ==3:
    i = len(forSale)
    for i in forSale:
        print forSale[i][0], ": ",forSale[i][1]

If you are trying to print the values of the sublist, then directly use i , which points to the sublists in each iteration. Example -

forSale = [['b', 50],['m',60],['t',90]]

if choice ==3:
    for i in forSale:
        print '{0} : {1}'.format(i[0],i[1])

You can venture in to list comprehensions to solve this one.

Firstly, change your variable naming to this instead:

forSale => for_sale

Read up on pep8 for the style guide.

' '.join(["{}:{}".format(i[0],i[1]) for i in for_sale])

The ' '.join( part will convert back to a string with a space between each word. The inside of the [ ] is pretty much iterating over the array, grabbing the first and second index from the sublist and placing a : between them.

If they have to be printed on individual lines then you are just gonna do this:

for i in for_sale:
    print("{}:{}".format(i[0], i[1]))

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