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Skipping App.config configuration and configuring in C#

If I want to remove necessity of app.config configuration from my Client side code and initialize client from my c#. Defining Bindings and EndPoint in my C# code. What would be ac# version of following client side code:

            <endpoint address="http://employeetstsvc/Employee.svc" binding="wsHttpBinding"
                bindingConfiguration="StandardEndpoint" contract="ServiceReference2.IHREmployee"
                name="StandardEndpoint" />

Any ideas?

Something like below. See more Here

String baseAddress = "http://employeetstsvc/Employee.svc";

WSHttpBinding binding1 = new WSHttpBinding();

using(ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Employee)))
   host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ServiceReference2.IHREmployee),binding1, baseAddress);

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