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Parameters, Unpacking and variables - Learn python the hard way ex 13

I'm stuck at this point. here is the code:

from sys import argv

script, first, second, third = argv

print "The script is called:", script
print "The first variable is:", first
print "The second variable is:", second
print "The third variable is:", third

my problem is this, when I run it I get:

value error need more than one value to unpack

as far as I can see I have three values and the code is good, could someone explain where I am going wrong please.

So, in chat @Ricky troubleshooted his way to successfully determining that argv was splitting on whitespace and not , comma . Changing his command line params from

$python myprog.py one,two,three


$python myprog.py one two three

made everything fine.

For those who wish to learn the mysteries of the argparse .

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