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Update Maven Dependency Properties With Pretty Snapshot Version

I currently have a maven release pipeline set up with multiple projects. I haven't been able to find a way to update dependency properties to the latest 'pretty' snapshot version after the mvn release:perform .

To clarify, here is the release pipeline:

Release Project A --> Release Project B --> Release Project C...

Project B pom.xml before release (pseudo pom):


During the release process, <project-a.version> is automatically updated to the latest release version, which in this case would be 1.4.1 .

After the release, project B's pseudo pom looks like this:


For development and testing reasons, I would like the <project-a.version> to be set to 1.4.2-SNAPSHOT after the release is performed, based on what the latest snapshot version is.

Using mvn versions:update-properties -DallowSnapshots=true kind of accomplishes this, but it leaves me with a very ugly snapshot version number and leaves me tied to a specific snapshot artifact:


Is there anyway to get the general, 'pretty' version number? I'm assuming probably not, since the 'pretty' snapshot version number doesn't refer to one specific artifact, which is technically not a good idea.

Have a look at maven update pom property . You can define the new value and specify which properties should be updated. The links in the answer basically point to the Mojo desciption: http://www.mojohaus.org/versions-maven-plugin/update-properties-mojo.html

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