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How to upload file using Selenium Webdriver?

Tried lot of suggestions available on stackoverflow regarding upload file using selenium webdriver, but issue still exists.

User clicks on Browse button, then a new popup window is displayed and then script will try to upload the file. My code below:

cd.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='import_file']")).sendKeys("E://iMedicor - Karthik/2.Demographics/Patients_Data/Patient_One.xml");


If I clicked on Browse button following popup is displayed. 在此处输入图片说明

File is inside E drive. Tried script like below as well, but issue is still same.

  .sendKeys("E://iMedicor - Karthik/2.Demographics/Patients_Data/Patient_One.xml");

Below code solved the issue..


Actually the filepath caused a issue for me.. I have used


instead of E://iMedicor-Karthik/2.Demographics/Patients_Data/Patient_One.xml

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